DANA POINT, Calif., Dec. 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — A once-in-a-lifetime experience for seasoned ocean athlete and action sports star Austin Keen arrived with an unexpected guest, Jojo The Dolphin, and a sea ride adventure one must see to believe. The Instagram video has quickly become one of the most shared and watched videos on the internet this week.
Austin Keen is a World Champion Skimboarder, professional wakesurfer and a growing sensation online. He boasts exotic locations and impressive stunts featured in video highlights that showcase Keen’s amazing skimboarding and wakesurfing talents on water.
At age 17 Austin drove his 1975 BMW from Georgia to California to follow his dreams. Now 28, years of hard work and master skill craft have put Keen at the top of his game with still room to climb.
Keen linked up with his friends WaketowakeTC in the fabulous Turks and Caicos Islands, but this time it was not for vacation. The objective was to obtain the one clip that defines freedom and joy in a way never seen before. A mission to capture media that would not just go viral but also go on to join the list of esteemed winners in the GoPro Million Dollar Challenge.
December 5 was the first morning on the boat and the wild yet friendly Instagram star, Jojo The Dolphin, showed interest in playing. Straightaway they sped the boat up to create a wave for the dolphin to surf but he showed no interest at first. After about 30 minutes of cruising with the dolphin, JoJo warmed to Keen and began swimming and playing. Jojo was smiling almost as if he knew they were going for the ultimate clip and was living it up. Everyone rejoiced in the success and amazement of the rare encounter and a GoPro clip captured the achievement.
More than 26,000 clips were submitted to the GoPro Hero7 Black Challenge, and only 56 were chosen as winners to be in the new Hero7 Black Promo video. Keen’s clip deservingly made the cover: https://investor.gopro.com/press-releases/press-release-details/2018/GoPro-Awards-1-Million-Dollars-to-HERO7-Black-Customers-for-Crowd-Sourced-Highlight-Video/default.aspx.
Complete video of entire trip: https://austinkeen.com/blogs/news/gopro-million-dollar-challenge-surfing-with-dolphins-in-paradise
Austin’s goal is to inspire others, and urge them to put in the work to make their dreams a reality. Follow him on Instagram @AustinKeen47 and for more information please visit, https://www.austinkeen.com/.
Video on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BrD4XkpniN7
SOURCE Austin Keen